Wednesday, January 9, 2013


...are for the birds! I have never been a morning person. I am one of those people that function best later in the day. Of course those late hours wreak havoc with my internal clock. I told myself on New Years eve that one thing I would do for 2013 is better manage my mornings and sleep.

Yeah, still working on that. The past week has seen me heading to bed at 3am most nights. Does not make for a cheerful morning. On the upside I have managed to redo an old sewing basket I was given for xmas, organize some small projects to work on, and caught up on episodes of one of my favorite shows.

I need to get ready for the first doctors appointment of 2013. Not looking forward to it but being diabetic, its   a necessary evil. Plus, haven't been feeling right and hope I'm not gearing up for another infection and round of antibiotics. Not the best start to a new year huh?

Here are pics of the ornaments I made for my daughters for xmas. I stitched them from pictures and not actual charts. I think they came out pretty good for winging it. The girls really liked them as well.

Well, off to be poked and prodded. I really just want to curl up with some tea and some stitching. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Till next rant, lol...

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